About Us
Wind-Probe LLC offers the highest quality of high temperature air flow sensors for industrial applications in high temperature ovens on the market today. Wind ProbeTM LLC is a company that was organized in 2008. It consists of four lead people working together to develop a high quality wind measuring instrument and a unique high temperature air flow sensor for industrial applications in high temperature ovens. A brief description of these people in shown on the Key People page of this site. Three members of the team, Harvey, Dick, and Lou worked together at BAE Systems for ten years on advanced programs such as the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (polar orbiting weather satellite), the Theater High Altitude Defense Missile System, Fire-fighting Camera (for seeing through smoke), and IR Scanner Camera for the Tornado Reconnaissance Aircraft. The expertise is distributed over a wide range of engineering disciplines such as mechanical, optical, software, digital and analog design functions.
At Wind ProbeTM LLC we have focused on combining the latest technologies to making state of the art wind and air flow sensing elements. We were issued our first wind sensor patent #7,971,478 on July 5, 2010. By utilizing advanced microprocessor technology with state of the art materials engineering we have produced an extremely rugged wind wind sensor instrument. We are field testing a number of these before pursuing a specific market. More importantly, we are using the technologies developed for the wind sensor to create an advanced High Temperature Air Flow sensor for use in Hight Temperature Industrial Ovens.
Some preliminary literature is available for your examination. It is only through our deep understanding of the electrical, thermal, and material behavior of these sensors that we have been able to develop this High Temperature Air Flow Monitor. We believe the accuracy and stability achieved with our design will make it very attractive for companies involved with process control, especially where air flow rate measurement at elevated temperatures is required.
Over the years we have established unique in-house testing capabilities. With these capabilities Wind ProbeTM LLC can seek solutions more rapidly than larger companies with many people involved. We have systems dedicated to Process Control, Life Testing, Wind Tunnel Operation, Data Acquisition and Logging, Manufacturing, Element Profiling and Field Testing.